Thrifty Brits prepare food ahead to save money new survey reveals

Thrifty Brits prepare meals in advance to save money survey revealsThrifty Brits prepare meals in advance to save money survey reveals
Thrifty Brits prepare meals in advance to save money survey reveals
With  the New Year now in full swing, new research has revealed how Brits are striving to start the year on a healthy path with their food habits.

A survey of 1,009 UK adults carried out by leading household appliances retailer,, revealed that more than half (56 percent) of Brits will prepare their meals for the week ahead in January.

In fact, the research shows that this will save the nation a hefty £27 and three hours' worth of time on average over the course of a typical month.

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Of those who say they will prepare their food in advance in January, respondents cite saving money as the number one reason for doing so '“ 41% of those surveyed say this is the case.

Almost a third (32 percent) say they find preparing meals in advance is healthier and that's why they choose to do it, while 29 percent cite helping reach their fitness goals as their main motive.

Meanwhile, more than 1 in 5 (22 percent) believe following this practice with their meals saves them time in the long run.

This was followed by a further 19 percent who said prepping their meals in advance means they are less likely to throw away food in the fridge.

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Marketing manager at, Mark Kelly, said: 'The new year is a great opportunity for the nation to start the year on the right track, and the research shows just how many of us are doing this with our food consumption.

'It's clear to see that people are making healthier choices as a result of preparing meals in advance, but as the research shows it also helps to save on the amount of food that is thrown out as well as being very cost friendly. There are a number of affordable options out there from juicers, air fryers, food processers and soup makers, so that it is more convenient for Brits to prepare their food ahead of time, so there's no need to worry about cost after the expense of Christmas.'

According to the survey, those aged 25 '“ 34 years old are the most likely to meal prep, with 39 percent confessing to doing so.

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