People warned to check food safety after corner shop is fined in court

They were found guilty of food hygiene offences under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013They were found guilty of food hygiene offences under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013
They were found guilty of food hygiene offences under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013
Two men, Abid Rafiq and Mohammed Rafiq, have been prosecuted for selling unsafe food at the Owston Ferry Store which they run.

Following a prosecution led by North Lincolnshire Council, they were found guilty of food hygiene offences under the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 and sentenced on Thursday 10 January 2019 at Grimsby Magistrates Court.

The council, which released details of the prosecution in a press statement today, said Abid Rafiq pleaded guilty to two offences of selling unsafe food past its use by date.

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The council made several visits in 2017 to the shop where a total of 15 foods were found to be past the use by date. He was fined £1,500 plus £870 investigation costs, £150 legal fees and £150 victim surcharge.

Mohammed Rafiq was found guilty of failing to provide information on the identity of the supplier of food when the council found sandwiches being sold with no information about who made them. He was fined £100 plus £150 legal costs and £30 victim surcharge.

The council advised people to check the food hygiene rating scheme rating on food premises before they buy food, whether this is from a corner shop or a takeaway.

The council said it will always respond to complaints from members of the public, taking action if necessary, to ensure that food sold in shops in North Lincolnshire is safe.

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If you believe that a food business in North Lincolnshire is selling unsafe food, report this online at, email call 01724 297000.

Cllr Ralph Ogg, cabinet member for safer, greener and cleaner places at the council, said: “All food hygiene offences are taken seriously and if food businesses refuse to comply with the law, they must face the consequences. All food business operators must follow food and safety hygiene regulations to ensure customers are not put at risk.

“Please let this be a warning to other businesses across North Lincolnshire, whether you are a restaurant, takeaway or local shop, action will be taken if you are not selling safe food.

“I’d urge residents to report businesses they believe are selling unsafe food to the council so it can be investigated.”